About Me

My passion for the digital arts began when I was a young child. Now, it’s my business.

JOHN FARIS was born in Sacramento, California and has lived there his entire life. From as early as elementary school, John has been fascinated by everything from computers to cameras to music, all of which he spent time exploring, studying, and eventually creating.

In 2021, John came to know Jesus Christ through the evangelism of some of his dear friends. John gave his life to Christ, is now a professing Christian, and currently attends and serves at Arcade Church in Sacramento. His relationship with Christ has come to be the biggest inspiration in his art, and his desire to create comes from his desire to use his gifts to glorify God.

John currently does freelance audio, visual, and lighting work for different venues and groups across the greater Sacramento area. Additionally, John offers his services as a photographer and videographer to his local clients. On the side, he maintains and develops various side projects, including the @imvozhd YouTube channel and the Wired Worship blog and podcast.

In his free time, John enjoys spending time with friends and family, playing board, card, and video games, travelling, fishing, and playing disc golf. John’s favorite Bible verse is Colossians 3:1-4. Above all, John wants to use his platform to create work that glorifies God and helps others come to know Jesus Christ.

Truly a creative “jack of all trades”.

John’s services cover a wide range of different mediums. John is happy to offer his services as an audio engineer, lighting designer, video producer, photographer, and digital artist to clients across the Sacramento region and across the United States. John is always looking for new projects to work on and would love to hear from you about your next idea!

Are you ready to work together? Visit the contact page and shoot me a message right away to get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you!

Looking for something else? Send a message to john@jfaris.media and I’ll help you as soon as possible.

My Clients

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Lets Work Together

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